Your Data

Anaesthesia Ltd places the highest priority on patient data security. We are registered with the ICO, are fully GDPR compliant, and abide by all regulations and recommendations. We only collect the minimum data we require.

Anaesthesia collects data for several purposes:

  • Preparing and submitting invoices
  • Preassesssing patients and providing clinical care and advice
  • Audit as mandated by the GMC and other regulators

All data is stored electronically and is password protected. Wherever possible we use a name and identifier such as date of birth only. We do not keep addresses unless we need to submit an invoice. All audit data is anonomised before submission.

Patients are welcome to use a pseudonym or maiden name at any time. We understand this is completely legal if there is no financial gain. Clinical notes without a name cannot be identified and we believe have no value if there is a breach of security. However, if a pseudonym is used, this should not be changed. It is vital that all anaesthetic records can be traced back to the same patient.

Patients may represent after many years. It is important to have any old anaesthetic records. We do not therefore destroy records after a set time.